Minnesota Master Naturalist

Course Registration

ADV - WEBINAR Collaborations that are Moving the Needle on Rare Butterfly Conservation

Collaborations that are Moving the Needle on Rare Butterfly Conservation website

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Collaborations that are Moving the Needle on Rare Butterfly Conservation

Ashley Cole-Wick works on interdisciplinary research teams at Michigan Natural Features Inventory to protect rare butterflies and other wildlife by providing high-quality data to decision-makers and thinking outside of the box for conservation. She will share her work on two federally listed butterflies: Karner blues and Mitchell’s satyrs. By studying how these species respond to habitat management and succession, she assists land managers in making the tough decisions about allocating limited resources for restoration. Ashley will also discuss ongoing collaborations on genetic rescue, assisted migration, species distribution modeling, and population reintroductions that can be used to support butterfly and other invertebrate protection throughout North America.

Register for this webinar on the Natural Areas Association website. Webinar costs $29 for non-members and is free for members. Scholarships are available through the Natural Areas Association.

Course Dates:

Meeting from 11:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. on:

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Seats Taken: 3 of 100

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