Course Registration
VOL - Tree Planting in Mankato with Great River Greening
Tree Planting in Mankato with Great River Greening website
300 Butterworth StMankato , MN 56001
Help us build a biodiverse and resilient urban tree canopy! Volunteers will plant large-stock trees into pre-dug holes; this work will include loosening root balls, filling holes with soil, watering, and spreading mulch around newly planted trees. These trees will replace trees lost to emerald ash borer infestation.
Dress for the weather and get ready to get a little messy. The trees are roughly 20-30lb and 5-7ft tall.
Light snacks and extra water will be available throughout the event. Please bring your own reusable water bottle and work gloves if possible; otherwise, gloves will be provided.
Sign up to get more details and reminders closer to the event!
For more information or look at our full event calendar please visit
QUESTIONS: Contact Great River Greening's Community Forestry and Stewardship Coordinator at
This event is possible thanks to our partners and funders: Minnesota Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund (ENRTF) as recommended by the Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCCMR)
Course Dates:
Meeting from 5:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M. on:
Instructor Information
Sponsor Information
Great River Greening
Register Now!
Seats Taken: 2 of 30