Minnesota Master Naturalist

Course Registration

ADV - Introduction to Minnesotas Mammals, Meadowlands, MN

Friends of Sax-Zim Bog website

8793 Owl Avenue
Meadowlands, MN 55765

Minnesota contains a diverse set of biology included within the four major biomes in our state. There is a lot of interest by naturalists in the plants, birds, and bugs, but very few folks are recreationally interested in the mammals of the state! Which makes sense, to some degree, as mammals are typically a very difficult group of organisms to view. This course will serve as an introduction into the mammal diversity in Minnesota, as well as talk strategies to view some of these critters that call the wildlands and urban ecosystems home year-round.

This field trip will include indoor and outdoor portions, so do dress accordingly. Please bring anything that you might find helpful for observing mammals, such as optics or cameras. We will likely spend some time outdoors tracking. Note taking materials are always useful for courses like this as well! Plan on bringing a lunch and any snacks that you might need through the day. If you have any other questions about this class, please let Head Naturalist Clinton know following your registration for the course by emailing naturalist@saxzim.org.

If you are having trouble registering, please see the information below. We also have help videos you can watch.

For Registration questions contact Extension Registration, ext-reg@umn.edu
For Username or Password help contact UMN Help Desk, HELP@umn.edu, 612-301-4357.

Help Videos:
Help with Online Payment Registration.
NOTE: The canvas link they are referring to is only for online classes, not "in person" classes.
Help with Online Payment Password Reset

The course cost is $45 and includes course manuals and supplies.

Course Dates:

Meeting from 10:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. on:

Instructor Information

Clinton Dexter-Nienhaus

Sponsor Information

Friends of Sax Zim Bog

Register Now!

Seats Taken: 10 of 10

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