Minnesota Master Naturalist

Course Registration

NWGL - Hartley Nature Center, Duluth

Hartley Nature Center, Duluth website

3001 Woodland Ave
Duluth, MN 55803

Come join us for a Duluth-based North Woods, Great Lakes Minnesota Master Naturalist Biome Course!

This course is designed to engage folks local to Duluth and will be held Thursdays from 6:00- 8:00 pm with two additional (required) all-day Saturday field trips. The course will be based at Hartley Nature Center, with multiple field trips to highlight the diversity of volunteer opportunities in the largest biome of the state. Field trips will take place on week nights as well as weekends and include: Sax-Zim Bog, Park Point, Natural Resources Research Institute and the Great Lakes Aquarium (with a connection to the Large Lakes Observatory via their research boat)! If you have ever wanted a more leisurely course to discover the biome in your backyard, this course is for you!

The course will be experiential, field based, and will include both indoor and outdoor components. There will be expectations for some outside of class work and reading (as necessary). Please come prepared for a wide range of weather, as autumn in Duluth can bring warm and cold temperatures just days apart! Our class will feature phenology and nature journaling, so please bring a notebook and something to write with each day. Other important field equipment, such as hand lenses, binoculars, and cameras may or may not be needed for this course, but please bring them as you see fit. Water will be available during the course. Field trips not taking place on our regular Thursday class time will be held on Saturday, September 21 and October 19. Please note we will have an extended class on Thursday, Oct 17, running 4-8pm that night. No class will be held on October 3. Further notes on these field trips will be available prior to the start of the course.

Course Instructors: Clinton Dexter-Nienhaus and Samantha Smingler

Please inform instructors before the class begins of any accessibility or mobility needs, especially regarding outdoor activities.

Help Videos:
Help with Online Payment Registration.
NOTE: The canvas link they are referring to is only for online classes, not "in person" classes.
Help with Online Payment Password Reset

The course cost is $295 and includes course manuals and supplies.

If the course cost is a hardship, please fill out the scholarship application. After the scholarship is fully processed, you will receive a code to be entered in the on-line registration process. Please wait until you receive that code to complete registration.

Course Dates:

Meeting from 6:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. on:

Instructor Information

Samantha Smingler

Clinton Dexter-Nienhaus

Sponsor Information

Hartley Nature Center

Register Now!

Seats Taken: 15 of 22

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