Minnesota Master Naturalist

Course Registration

PP - Prairies and Potholes Twin Cities, Eastman Nature Center

Prairies and Potholes Twin Cities website

13351 Elm Creek Road
Osseo, MN 55369

Experience a fall prairie in bloom! Join us as we share the wonders of our state’s rarest biome as we visit various re-created prairies within Three Rivers Park District as a backdrop for hand-on learning about the ecology, natural history, management and stewardship of prairies and associated wetlands. Two all-day field trips will travel to the edge of the prairie biome to experience native and restored prairies. Attendance at all classes and field trips is required. All participants will complete a small group capstone service project.

Help Videos:
Help with Online Payment Registration.
NOTE: The canvas link they are referring to is only for online classes, not "in person" classes.
Help with Online Payment Password Reset

The course cost is $295 and includes course manuals and supplies.

If the course cost is a hardship, please fill out the scholarship application. After the scholarship is fully processed, you will receive a code to be entered in the on-line registration process. Please wait until you receive that code to complete registration.

Course Dates:

Meeting from 6:00 P.M. to 8:30 P.M. on:

Instructor Information

Vicky Wachtler

Sponsor Information

Eastman Nature Center

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Seats Taken: 23 of 22

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