Minnesota Master Naturalist

Course Registration

ADV - Understanding Fire Season 4

Understanding Fire Season 4 website

Podcast, MN 00000

What started as a podcast produced by the Northern Research Station focusing on forest research within the Northeast and Midwest has now expanded to cover a wide range of topics from across the USDA Forest Service Research and Development branch. In each episode you'll hear stories, interviews, and special in-depth anthologies of the research that is studying, questioning, and solving some of today's most compelling issues.

In this new season of Forestcast we will explore the knowns and unknowns of one of the most complex elements in nature - fire. Each episode will follow a variety of voices as they "burn" into one another - their science, stories and projects burning together, backing away, flanking into new directions - like a fire. At times, voices will flow together and connect, and at others, interrupt and contradict. It is this contradictory nature that defines fire.

Season 4 of Forestcast will convey the complexity of fire and fire research episode by episode, slowly building into a blaze of understanding the research working today to help reduce the negative impacts of fire while enhancing its beneficial effects for society and the environment.

Course Dates:

Meeting from 8:00 A.M. to 9:00 A.M. on:

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Seats Taken: 35 of 100

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