Minnesota Master Naturalist

Course Registration

BWBR - River Bend Nature Center, Faribault, MN

Cancelled due to COVID-19 website

1000 Rustad Road
Faribault, MN 55021

Do you enjoy learning about animals, plants, rocks, and weather? If so, consider becoming a Minnesota Master Naturalist volunteer at River Bend Nature Center this summer! This is a great life-long learning opportunity and perfect time of the year to experience the buzz of insects, chirp of birds and bloom of color in the world around us.

This course will cover the natural and cultural history of the ‘Big Woods, Big Rivers’ region which runs diagonally across Minnesota from the Northwest to the Southeast. It will provide an in-depth study of the big woods/big rivers ecosystems learning about geology, plants and trees, animals, ecology, water, and human impacts on the environment as well as how to convey this knowledge to others and be a steward of the land.

Through the course, participants will develop their ability to observe nature and will learn tools to improve these skills. In addition, participants will improve their communication skills by sharing knowledge with other participants and work on a group project.

Join Master Naturalist instructors Jim Platt, Breanna Wheeler, Katy Anderegg, and Molly Olson and watch the early summer beauty of the maple basswood forest and Straight River unfold at River Bend Nature Center and in field trips to surrounding areas. There will be two required field trips that will happen during the class hours listed.

The course cost is $295 and includes course manuals and supplies.

If the course cost is a hardship, please fill out the scholarship application. After the scholarship is fully processed, you will receive a code to be entered in the on-line registration process. Please wait until you receive that code to complete registration.

Course Dates:

Meeting from 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. on:

Instructor Information

Breanna Wheeler

I've been a Master Naturalist since 2006 and became an instructor in 2018. I love to learn and inspire others to develop connections in the natural world in whatever way they are interested or able. I am the Executive Director of River Bend Nature Center in Faribault. My favorite topics are native plants, detecting/ reporting/educating about invasive species, night hikes, noticing seasonal changes, and promoting the importance of access and unstructured time to be in the outdoors or natural areas has for our health and wellness.

Katy Anderegg

I am a naturalist at River Bend Nature Center and enjoy teaching people of all ages about our natural world. My background is in Zoology, but I love learning about all aspects of nature. I took the Prairies and Potholes Master Naturalist course in the summer of 2019, thoroughly enjoyed it and wanted to be an instructor sharing my passion with others.

Molly Dulka

Molly is the Associate Director of Programs and Engagement at River Bend Nature Center in Faribault, MN. Her favorite outdoor hobbies are hiking and kayaking. You can also find her visiting museums and restaurants.

Sponsor Information

River Bend Nature Center

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