Minnesota Master Naturalist

Course Registration

ADV - Webinar: Lunch with a Scientist - Aquatics Research

Webinar: Lunch with a Scientist - Aquatics Research website

2660 Fawn Lake Drive NE
East Bethel, MN 55005

Starting in April, you'll be able to attend our Lunch with a Scientist series from the comfort and cleanliness of your own home! You can register now and then view the scheduled lectures at z.umn.edu/LWASonline.

Topic: Natural history of aquatic systems at Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve in the context of a changing planet

Our featured speaker this month is Dr. James Cotner. He has been studying freshwater and marine ecosystems for over 30 years--the tropics, the arctic, but mostly the temperate region. His area of expertise is primarily focused on heterotrophic bacteria and ecological stoichiometry. He works with individual strains and communities of ecologically relevant microbes in the laboratory as well as in the field. He feels that understanding gained in the lab can help generate understanding and questions that can be addressed in the field and vice versa.

His teaching responsibilities in EEB are fairly diverse. In the past, he taught Limnology, but more recently the primary course has been Biogeochemical Processes (EEB 4611). In this course, students try to understand the Earth as a collection of functioning ecosystems, but also spend a lot of time thinking about microbes because they are the motors that drive most of the transformations in biogeochemical cycles. James also teaches a course with a professor in Microbiology on beer: Brewing: The Biology, History and Practice.

For a how-to guide on using Zoom, visit our website: cedarcreek.umn.edu/LWAS

Course Dates:

Meeting from 11:30 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. on:

Instructor Information

Tillery Bailey

Tillery is serving her second year as the Minnesota GreenCorps Member at Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve. MN GreenCorps is an AmeriCorps program sponsored by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, which allows young environmental professionals to gain practical experience. At Cedar Creek she serves as a member of the education and outreach team.

Tillery graduated from the University of Minnesota in December 2017 with a BS in Recreation Administration and a Management minor. She loves teaching yoga, spending time outside, and creating the occasional art project.

Sponsor Information

Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve

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Seats Taken: 37 of 100

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